lately i have been on a campaign to make the most of my mornings. if you know me, you know that i am NOT a morning person. i'm a sleep-in-till-the-last-minute person, but i have finally realized that sleeping in never keeps it's promises. i'm tired of being a chronically late, spiritually malnourished and undisciplined person who never has time for the things i enjoy (or even simple chores, oftentimes). no more.
Thus, my new schedule:
5:30 wake up, eat, do face/hair (i shower at night to save time)
waking up at 5:30 isn't as hard as i thought. in fact, it's easier for me than waking up at 6. must have something to do with my sleep cycle or something.
6:15 yoga, water plants, feed cats, etc.
7:00 read/pray
7:40 dress, go to work
simple, but life-changing.